Sports have started and for the high school games are underway. Middle School games start soon. Please check the schedules page on the dropdown above as some games have been changed/added/deleted. Should just be for Middle School parents by now, but in order to get the forms we need and collect the Athletic Fee we need you to register using the following myschoolbuckslink: REGISTER HERE
***PROBLEMS WITH MYSCHOOLBUCKS: If you are struggling, please try this. Go to the link above and create an account if you don't already have one. Once you are in, there is a button labeled General Athletics - Fall. Click on that and you should see sports options. If you DON'T, there is one more step. At the top of the page is something that says "Welcome (your name)" Click on that and then on "My Students". You need to put the name of your son or daughter and their school ID #. This number is 5 digits and starts with their year of graduation. You can find it on x2 if you can't remember it. Once you add your student(s) go back to the home page and under General Athletics-Fall will be a list of sports. Fill out the information and click "add to cart". Then go to your cart and checkout as you would at Amazon or wherever. |
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